
Community Gear Swap!

Sat, 13 Apr
from 11:00am to 3:00pm

by Chase Courington
Posted: 9 months ago
Updated: 9 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: None
Ends: 03:00pm (duration is about 4 hours)


We will host our first annual Gear Swap on Saturday April 13th. Not limited to just bike gear; bring all the outdoor equipment. Find that perfect part for your vintage bike build. Buy a kayak. Get rid of that snowboard you no longer ride. Swap some kids bikes because they grow too fast sometimes. Get a bigger tent for your growing family. Clear out that camping gear you haven’t used in a few seasons. Buy a new backpack and climbing shoes. Bring your stuff and come look at stuff. (No weapons please) Don’t want to sit and sell your stuff? No problem. Donate it to your favorite non-profit (Evergreen Bike Club for example) so they can reap the benefits.

Visit https://www.evergreenbikeclub.org/newsletter/gear-swap to RSVP to reserve your spot to sell!


29300 Buffalo Park Rd, Evergreen, CO 80439, USA

  • [2024-Mar-05 11:18 AM] Chase Courington: Updated
  • [2024-Apr-02 07:42 PM] Chase Courington: Updated

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